However many days [of thankfulness]: installment two

So I just have to get this out of my system: in my blogger stats it told me that I had a viewer from Russia who found my blog while searching "the tallest man in the world." Huh?! Yeah.. still confused about that one, but welcome, Russian viewer, whoever you are.

also! I have another confession: about the project. You know how I called it 26 Days [of Thankfulness]? You may be wondering, "Was that just an arbitrary number?" Some of you may have astutely thought, "It's a countdown to Thanksgiving!" (because, ultimately, that's what I wanted it to be.). BUT. The really observant will have noted that I totally botched that one. Epically, you might say. Because, people, Thanksgiving is on the 25 and NOT the 26. Oops. I think I'll still call it 26 Days. Because for my family, Thanksgiving is not over until Nebraska plays Colorado (which they will do on the 26 for the last time). Who knows? Maybe I'll make it an even 30 days, just 'cause. It's good to be thankful for longer than 26 days, after all.

[leaves and sidewalk and me taken today!]

I am thankful that today is 2 November, 2010 because that means that
1. Halloween is finally over and all of those decorations will go bye bye.
2. Today is election day meaning all of those annoying campaign adds will stop airing.
[are you ready for the best part?!]
3. Today is the official 30 days until Brazil!!! Yippee!


Jason and Sadie said…
What a great reason to be thankful!

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