26 Days [of thankfulness]: installment sixteen

[the fam. Minus Jay, Jon, Denielle, Ellie and baby C: '09 ]

Those of you who know me, know that I love to go places, see new things and old things and just BE with my family and friends. I've lost much sleep because of this passion/obsession/love, whateveryouwanttocallit, both because of late night driving and late night laughs.

And because God made me like this, I am RARELY homesick.

In fact, I can remember only one significant time that I could not wait to get home. It was right after my baby sister was born and the four of us left at home were sent off to my grandparent's house for a week. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED going to my grandparents' house. We could swim every day, and get new library books every day and go to the park every day and go drive Grandpa's golf cart and watch movies and play "Aggravation" and "UNO" and the list could go on and on... But by the end of that week, I could.not.wait. to get home. Apparently you can have grandparent overload.

But I have a confession. I am homesick right now. Which is strange, since I am at my own home, in my own hometown with people that I love just a hop, skip, and a jump away. HOWEVER. I am homesick for the family (oh the craziness of that family) that will be gathering for Thanksgiving festivities in Kansas City. They're going to be together making Aunt Mary's Salad and singing and playing football and arguing and having both ridiculous and meaningful conversations and bonding and making memories WITHOUT ME. And so even though Thanksgiving is still a week away, and three of my five brothers are actually still in the same town with me, I am homesick for them. Ma famille.

Consequently, I happen to be very thankful for them. :)


Matthew Lim said…
I've loved each of your installments but I like this one the best so far.

My oldest brother is having a luau for his grand daughter this Saturday.
My family will be there.
I'm 53 years old.
It is no lie… I'm homesick. Ka'u ohana.
Holly Friesen said…
I can definitely relate too! I love what I do & rarely get homesick - but the times that I do are when I know that my fam is all getting together WITHOUT ME! So- I feel your pain, but am also very thankful that I have such an awesome family!
Unknown said…
Families are the greatest :)
Anonymous said…
Where is the "like" button?

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