Write 31 Days: Brew

Something terrible happened in my house today. 
I ran out of coffee beans. 
Now, I have an entire drawer full of boxes and bags and bins of tea, but I am a coffee girl through and through, so this thing of having no beans is kind of a big deal. 
I remember being in Johannesburg and surrounded by the choice of either instant coffee or tea. And most of the time, I chose tea. My brother Arnie and I tease each other about all of the nasty coffee substitutes to be found in that part of the world.
One morning in the office at Lambano Sanctuary, the volunteers and I were taking our morning cuppa' and I was lamenting the fact of no real coffee. "You sound like you're describing a boyfriend!" they laughed.
They weren't far off, I suppose.
For me, coffee is more than just a warm caffeine or sugary drink to be enjoyed. It's about the ritual of heating the water, taking time to smell the aroma of the beans as I measure and grind them. It's about taking those few minutes out of the "to do" lists of the morning or day to stop and sip, fingers wrapped around the mug, nose close to the steam. 
Slow down. Time out. Just be.


Jerralea said…
The aroma of coffee brewing IS heavenly! I like to do my to do lists with a steaming cuppa, too.

We all need time to slow down and just be - even if it's only long enough to savor a cup.

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