Write 31 Days: Blowout

There came a point in my life where I realized that I was no longer able to physically beat my younger brothers, so I turned to my next best weapon: my words.
Now, there's something you need to understand about my family: we thrive a little bit on the argument; the "discussion". Having a constant verbal battle was no strange thing in my house.
However, when I decided to prove my dominance over the younger siblings through my words, I wasn't doing it just for the joy of discussing the finer points of Whatever We Were Discussing, it was to wound. I took satisfaction in those first few seconds of seeing that my words had hit their mark. Hey mom, at least we aren't physically beating each other up, right?
To this day I cringe at the thought of how thoughtless and careless I was with my words.
The proverbial blowout of my anger and pride and selfishness, however well crafted, was never worth the victory of the moment.
I hated it when my dad made us do word studies on our speech, but I am very thankful that I had a dad who loved us enough to make us deal with our problems. 

"Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person" -Colossians 4:6
(And, of course, James 3)


What an awesome dad to make you do word studies (can I use that on my kids?). A great exploration of the word, and I love the verse you chose. Thanks for joining us in the challenge! We're almost there!

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