22 DOT (days of thankfulness): #1 [the countdown to Thanksgiving]

I've been planning to start up the thankful posts in November again for a while now. Number one, because there's a whole lot to be thankful for and number two, because it gives me an excuse to be creative with my picture taking.

Anyways, today I have felt anything but thankful.It's been one of those days. In fact, today has been pretty crummy; SUPER crummy, even. One of those days that leaves me with an aching heart and an aching head.

But a large reason for that is because I have been self focused. "If only people knew how hard of a day I am having, they wouldn't be so... NORMAL.Why do they look so happy, anyways? It's ok for me to be rude right now because I am having a crappy day."
Sometimes it's a lot easier to wallow in my self pity than to give it up and focus on others. Who am I kidding? It's ALWAYS easier to wallow in self pity than to focus on others.

So today? I'm thankful that God's grace never runs out. That he gives more grace. That his mercies are new every morning. His faithfulness is great.

Team Awesome. Saving Lives and Killing Time.
Courtesy of the Lomo Fish Eye

Also. Words cannot say how thankful I am for time with these guys. Blessed for seasons of life with them. Blessed because they have impacted and challenged and shaped and given me some of the best laughs of my life. And also some of the best food, but that's beside the point. It's been good times, and it's been hard times.Growing times.
Thanks, Team Awesome, for being awesome.


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