Blogger Hates Me: or, a recap of the year -going backwards.
After attempting to finish uploading pictures for the millionth time (slight exaggeration), I gave up. You'll have to just bear with me.
This is the first installment of the 2010 recap.
Yes, there's a lot of pictures, probably terrible grammar mistakes, and spacing issues, but I got impatient. So here you go: a little bit of my year's highlights/themes/adventures
Cappy's pulled pork on a Saturday: my summer/fall tradition -in the which I managed to convert several co-workers to the addiction :)
New roommate adventures :)
exploring the tourist traps -er, ATTRACTIONS in the BH
developing my love/hate relationship with this place
I love my job, I love my job, I love my job, I love my job...
Feet staples:TOMS -finally!
New friends and old friends, lots and lots of campfire bonding time
Lots of road trips to the Sand hills of NE to visit these little cuties
road trip to KC to visit old classmates -taking in the free art museum.
And I quote "I don't know what that is, but I'm assuming it's naked"
many, many gun adventures: don't worry, he's normal. I think.
Cooking adventures at work: conquering the Hobo Dinner
developing my love/hate relationship for this part of the Black Hills
Rapid City Rush hockey games: a new addiction...
Brazil trip! Loving on the siblings and children, as well as making new friends, eating a lot of amazing food and drinking ample amounts of coffee
Post-Christmas with the fam (some of them) in Dix
Holidays at Work. (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weekend)
This would be New Year's Eve, making funnel cakes, and starting things on fire. :)