Five Minute Friday: After

It's the week After Easter... Resurrection Sunday... celebration of New Life and Power over Death. 

Last week was good. 
I listened to a Resurrection playlist that was over 8 hours long so I don't think that I ever made it all the way through. 
I had encouraging time with my church family here as we celebrated the Truth of the Gospel.
And now, the Week After, I am feeling a little ...overwhelmed? let down?  
Because After Easter I have only 3 weeks left of class. 
And After Easter I only have one week left with my Moving Friends. 
And After Easter I only have a month left with Friends who are here for school. 
And After Easter life seems so.... well. anti climactic? 

Which is all ridiculous because the whole beautiful thing about the week after the Resurrection is purpose and hope 
Before it was me the hopeless and helpless lost wandering soul with no purpose and no future, living in utter rebellion against God... Redeemed by the perfect and spotless Lamb of God who came to shed his blood and lose his life so that I could find mine in his. 
Last Friday weighed a little heavy on my heart as I remembered the story of Christ's betrayal and his rejection and the dark, dark place that it was as he cried out from the cross "My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me?" Possibly one of my favorite verses is the one where it says that the veil in the temple was torn from the top to the bottom... and we were given an intercessor, a Great High Priest, so much more perfect than any man could ever hope to be.
Then Sunday morning came with a message of hope and joy.. "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" Christ is Alive! The week after the Resurrection for all of the disciples was possibly one of the most crazy weeks of their lives! Here they had thought they lost their Master.. but he was alive. And now they had purpose and hope for the rest of THEIR lives. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is... After is the best part. After equals life. After means I am to love the Lord my God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength... but not to stop there. Life is about people, therefore I am to love people just as much as I love myself. And, with these reminders fresh in my mind, I am excited about this Life After.

Five Minute Friday


HI Liz,

Linked up behind you at FMF...what a wonderful reflection on our life after Christ's resurrection...His life in us and within us (Col. 1:27)..blessings :)
Cassy Benefield said…
Hi Liz, thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. I thought I'd come visit yours too. I really enjoyed the gospel message and Bible themes you have written about. I really liked your reflection on the verse: why do you seek the living among the dead ... how true that we do that in our circumstances, too, you know? We stay in the muck and mud of our lives, until God brings us back in mind to the hope that is in Him. Thanks for your blog blessing!!
Unknown said…
Hi Liz
I am with Dolly on this one! His resurrection life is what completes the cross. And then there is the life awaiting us in the here after!
Blessings to you
Unknown said…
Thanks so much, ladies! Thankful that the resurrection also means the body of Christ :)

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