5MF: Jump

is it a jump that's required for these love transitions from one life category/stage to another? 
does love require a label? does love require a socially accepted status symbol? 
or is it that love starts out growing in your heart because of the captivating, take-your-breath-away love that comes from Christ and then expands in unexpected and unplanned ways to the people that you come in contact with every day. "everyone is in your life for a reason." everyone. 
so does love jump? does sit waiting while you sit waiting until it can jump into action with the one person (or people) you have deemed worthy to receive the focus and energy and passion of your love?
or is it that love finds its expression best when we love the "unlovable," the misfits, the neglected, across social boundaries and expectations, when we let go of all of our fears and reservations to love with abandonment?
I am learning not jump with my love, not to hold it in "safety" and reservation until I find somebody who I feel is worthy of it, but to love beyond logic and reason and beyond the motivation of personal gain and benefit.
I am learning to "let love grow." 

Five Minute Friday


Denise said…
You are very wise, bless you.
Unknown said…
wow I really loved this...you have a beautiful style. thanks for sharing your heart!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
HisFireFly said…
love beyond logic, yes, this!

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