Love molds

I made a deal with myself at the beginning of February that I would do at least one post a week on love, because well, it's love month, right?
So, final installment:

I first saw Ian and Larissa's story about a year ago and was blown away.
In my mind I think I knew that logically, Christ-like love would look like this, but when I saw it lived out in reality, I almost didn't know how to respond. 
So challenging, encouraging, humbling, heart-breaking, uplifting.

Since I watched the video, I have been following their blog, and  when Larissa posted the other day, I knew that I had to share it. So simple, so true. And I am so thankful that they are willing to bless others with their story. To God be the glory.

"ian is not to be pitied. i am not to be pitied. God is to be rejoiced."

I think that's what challenges me the most, that joy or pain, their goal is to rejoice in the God of their salvation and to bring glory to him.

"the foundation of all that we are is love. love saved us. love moves us. love molds us."


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