Love in Community

There is something incredibly refreshing about face to face catch-ups (This coming from a social media addict, I know, I know).But, somehow the "how are you's" and "what have you been up to's" hold much more meaning when you can sit across from each other and share moments filled with voice inflection and crinkles around the eyes and furrowed brows and hands that tap the table.
Community, whether stretched over long distances and kept up via internet sources, or met in the day today interactions of people who color my life, is something that I have come to value big time over these past couple of years.

There is just such a comfort in my heart to know that there are people who will listen to the same story three times over, and laugh at the stupid jokes, and call me out when I am being ridiculous, and who will challenge my thinking and who will pray for me when they say they will pray for me.

It's in the Sunday morning groups of talking after church and Friday night laughs over games and Monday morning time to share and pray and the countless unscheduled get togethers that here I have been able to join in a community of love. It's a community of people who are drawn together by the common bond of Christ and who are ever learning and growing together through the crazy, unpredictable life that we lead.
That's the beauty of community, though.
We're all in it together because of the fact that God first loved us.
Life's about people, about love.
Some guy said "No man is an island." He was right.


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