home on the range

it's been over a month since the lovely, memorable, infamous weekend where I busted my leg. (birthday? what birthday? this is not the year I turned 23, it's the year that I broke my leg. when people as me how old I am I have to sit there and think about it, which fact I blame entirely on the drugs I was taking at the time.)
since then I have been blessed by a plethora of friends and family and sometimes strangers who have gone out of their way or convenience to help out this poor little cripple. I have also discovered that breaking your leg is like joining a brotherhood of others who have broken their legs and walking with a crutch is an open invitation for total strangers to swap stories and such. amusing, let me tell you.

I forgot about the bigness of the sky and ferociousness of the wind out here on the prairie. winter is not giving us much as far as snow goes, but as far as winter skies and naked tree branches -my soul has been satisfied. 

and sunsets? sunsets are still my favorite time of day, hands down. (see what I mean about naked tree branches? a bit of a winter obsession, let me tell you.) 

in the end, I can't complain about this past month or so of recoup. people have been awesome givers of their time, I had an awesome surgeon and surgery,  and have seen God provide in some pretty awesome ways. however, if you told me I could go back to work tomorrow, I just might kiss you. (and people, I am not a kissing person). 


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