bucket list -SA edition

1. Sushi, sushi, sushi.

2. Apartheid museum -apparently i wasn't supposed to take pictures in there. oops ;)

3. Indian (food) -Banjaara's x3

4. "The Help"  -which wasn't playing in the States anymore by the time I left, but was still showing in Joburg ;) 

5. Sandton on the Train/Mandella Square  -where we didn't do much more than people watch, and I was ok with that.

6. Pretoria/ Botanical Gardens  -consequently, there was a large group of drunk/high gothic people who were also enjoying the Botanical Gardens. ParTAY.

7. Oyo's (Thai) -Happy Birthday Sarah! (Martha loves it when I pretend to be a Chinese tourist)

8. Braai at Martha's -where we pretended that we could go swimming and I grilled asparagus!!!! hallelujah :) 

9. Weekend away -escaping the city sounds and readily playing the role of a tourist with Sabrina and Sarah in a fab little tourist trap. 

10. Roof top market at Rosebank -which we finally made it to after getting detoured by the massive cycling event that clogged all of the roads. Another great day of people watching. 

11. Cooking for The Boys -don't ask me how we got convinced to cook for them, but cook we did. And then proceeded to be entertained by Jenga for longer than socially acceptable. 

12. Sunset  -sometimes when you live in the city, it's kinda hard to see a proper sunset. So, we drove to the top of a hill, parked the faithful yellow car and proceeded to watch the skyline get silhouetted by the setting sun. 

13. Breakfast at Tiffany's, er TASHA's  -it was supposed to be a one time deal. but it was repeated almost every week. :) we are fanz.

14. Bruma Braai Corner -hallelujah. heaven in my mouth after months of smelling it and not having time to eat it as we shopped for fruits and veg.

15. City Center (by taxi) -I didn't take my camera by order of The Boys, but we went and conquered and survived (like a boss. or a team of bosses).

16. Bruma Market (Chinese version) -also no pictures. But while there hunting for cheap nail polish, we found our Indian waiter from our fav. Indian place. Yes, the Indian in the Chinese market (which explains why it smelled like curry as we walked into his booth), and even more ironic that we found someone that we knew. holla. Guess you can pretty much call me a local. 

Things that did not get checked off:

17. Find a husband for Martha and Mamma Jeaneth -we tried people, we tried. valiant efforts.
18. Gold Reef City -the amusement park that never heard my screams (its more fun if you put your hands in the air). We were ready, but they were closed. darn.

Pretty successful, if I do say so myself :) Couldn't have been done without the help of my awesome sauce roommate, Sarah! Go team. 


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