in a word: blessed :)

I was reminded, in the middle of distractions, to be still. to do more than sit in physical stillness, but to be mentally and emotionally still. to not engage the temporary, not to embrace the imaginary, not to satisfy the narcissism. but to quiet my judgments, my infatuations, my frustrations, my adorations, and "know that I AM GOD."
a God who deserves so much more than i can give. 
a God who KNOWS ME. all of my insecurities, my pride, my desires, my thoughts, my lies, my failures to serve and give and love.
yet he loves me anyways.

"blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing..." Eph. 1:3 

God has blessed me with some amazing people to live with and work with and, well, party with. or make that adventure with. because, people, it is an adventure. and a party. :) 

location location location. frequently as i am walking around this lovely neighborhood i can be heard singing this little song: i live here, i live here, la la la la, i liiiiiiiiiiiiiiveeee here!


blessed by the persistence, the inquisitiveness, the lack of personal bubbles, the pushing of buttons.
first conversation: what is your name? where are you from? are you wearing a bra? when are you leaving? why is your hair short? what is your name? do you know how old I am? how old are you? do you have a boyfriend? are you married? what is your name? 

blessed by these faces.

even on the days when i have a love/hate relationship with them. 

this sign. i see it [almost] every morning. and it makes me laugh out loud every time. 
the continents. the creepy, eyeless people. 
hahaha... laughter is a blessing. :D


magazinevoce said…
i am so happy, for you, and your work and help with African kids,
i have a desire of the work, in a similar action, i am praying for this.
Gob Bless your always, and guide your walk.
i miss you... sister.

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