another day, another kilometer

 simplicity. and yellow walls. and being satisfied. because, in the end, i have everything i need.

Naan. It makes me happy. and so does eating with my hands :)

 sometimes, a walk to the park is the best afternoon diversion

I don't actually LIVE on this road, but I walk/drive it every day. O.o

it's spring here, and i am in love with sunset and the trees.

surprise birthday parties are the best. 

this is what dinner usually looks like on any week day night. fancy pants.

sometimes it's the simplest reminders that are the best.

quality time with scratch paper and crayons. i love these tiny hands.

these two dancing had me crying from laughing so hard. i wish i had taken a video

clarification: "mama" actually means mama, auntie or grannie. which is good news for me ;) 


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