march self portrait

[you know the road's deserted when...]

On the way back to the NE homestead, I have often wanted to stop and take pictures, because I like the wide open emptiness. Sure, it makes for a long drive all by your lonesome, or with your brother, or your friend. BUT. it's beautiful. [don't hate] This time, I actually wasn't driving at sunset, or in the middle of the night and I wasn't in a rush to get somewhere, so. I stopped. and ran around on the road and took pictures and loved the sunshine. and only saw 1 vehicle.

the sky and grass and naked trees along with the worn out road... winner winner, chicken dinner!

resolution: to stop alongside the road more often when the opportunity/mood strikes. I have a mental list going along highways 79, 385, and 71. for starters.


Bethanne said…
I like, like a whole lot...tell your brothers to stop more on the road trip so I can take cool pictures:)

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