#famousAmoshikes a 2017 update

I'm pretty sure I've already been on more hikes with Amos this year than I did in the entirety of last year #shameshame. 

1. Little Devil's Tower: probably wouldn't have done this one solo because of all of the climbing up and down rocks. Thankfully I had a team of very helpful friends. Also, true to form, the BH gave us rain and sleet/hail for the last bit of our hike. Amos was over it.

2. Off-roading in Wind Cave NPS: it was earth day and we wanted to check out the sunset, so we did a quick solo hike around the Beaver Creak Bridge area. P.S. Amos' face when he got handed a pine cone for the first time -ded.

3. Sunday Gulch Trail: also probably wouldn't have done this one solo for the first half because of all of the boulders/stairs in the water. That's why I bring my husband along ;)  

4. Devil's Bathtub in Spearfish Canyon: I got plenty wet. Amos stayed dry. Win.

5. Cold Brook Canyon trail in Wind Cave NPS: we avoided the ticks and saw no bison. Also, Amos likes to say "Woah!" when he sees new things right now and it is the beeessttt.

Living in the Black Hills is quite litrally the best. Cheers to getting outside.


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