Saturday Things

I'm currently ignoring the stack of dishes in the kitchen because, well, I hate doing dishes. 
But I also wanted to share some things that I have been loving lately, or maybe just made me stop and think.

I love the imagery of this song: What Love, My God. 
Also, Easter is SO SOON! Time is flying, people. 
(This entire playlist by City Alight has been on repeat in my house for most of this month. Check it out!) 

Also, a couple of belated podcasts listens. 
First, this interview with the She Reads Truth ladies on Lent.
And second, this conversation about small talk by the Way Fam. I am a self-proclaimed extroverted introvert, and if it is up to me to start a conversation with a complete stranger 99.9% of the time it ain't gonna happen. However, I get frustrated with silly "how are you" conversations and struggle big time with making conversations more meaningful -both with strangers and with friends. This podcast had some good thoughts on the subject.

This photograph from the recent attacks in London really resonated with me for some reason. I think its because that's what so many spaces look like after the fight for somebody's life happens in EMS. Controlled chaos. And that's the reality every EMS worker has to face -whether a life was saved or not, you still have to go back and clean up and put everything back together so that you're ready for the next call out. 

That's all I got, folks.
Cheers to the weekend (or, your work week. whatever it is for you.)


Clara Williams said…
Thanks for the podcast recs! I actually just listened to the Way Fam one as my very first podcast. So there's that. I think about small talk a lot (as we've discussed before, I'm sure) and this was helpful to me! I think about the people I know who are great conversationalists and that I never feel like they are asking "too much," so why can't I ask those same things? I'm thinking them, so why not ask? HA!

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