Aunt Mary's Salad

This is the time of life where family and friends converge on the tiny little town of Dix Nebraska for down time, coffee, computers, laughing, games, randomness, food, football, and all around LOVE.
There's tons I could say that I'm thankful for... I mean, really, if you're having a hard time thinking of something to be thankful for then you have issues. But this year the crowning thing would just be time with family, both blood and spiritual. What a blessing to be given this gift of love that is only possible because of the love of God! Even though my siblings span continents we can still get together and conversate (is that a word?) through skype whether it be chat or "face to face" (computer to computer?).
Oh, and Aunt Mary's Salad? What is that, you say? Well, tomato, salsaish, jelloish type of stuff in a pan with slimy white stuff on top. Have you even tried it, you further ask? There's just some things in life that you don't even have to try to pass judgement... this is a true saying and worthy of acceptance. This salad is some tradition that has been passed down from somewhere higher upper and for some reason my father and his mother insist on keeping the tradition. So my mother faithfully makes it and they faithfully eat it. And the rest of us just shake our heads and wonder why...


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