
Showing posts from May, 2018

National Law Enforcement Week

Just a little shout out to the man I call my husband (well, he is literally my husband, I don't just call him that ;) ). Here is to my hard-working husband who is willing to go above and beyond to do his best and be the best LEO that he can be. Sometimes this means that I get annoyed at him for working extra hours he doesn't technically have to work, but he does it because it's the right thing to do -and that integrity is part of the reason I married him in the first place. Here is to the countless times that he has resolved situations with homicidal/suicidal people so that everyone was able to leave alive. I have just a tiny handful of times that I remember him telling me "I almost had to shoot someone today". I know there's more times that he has never shared with me. Here's to the times he has gone to buy food/diapers/formula, the times he has gotten off shift and gone to wait with kids who have to be put in the foster system because he has a ...