
Showing posts from November, 2016

October Photo Challenge: days 22-31

22. up and over while the babes wait for music practice to be over...  23. get real real talk right here. #bedroomstruggles 24. days end smokey skies at sunset 25. first thing coffee and wake up snuggles. 26. think about it 27. bite size 28. dress up 29. candy ...or something like that...  30. pretend if I can't see you, you can't see me. 31. trick or treat we party hard around here...

October photo challenge: days 11-21

I did a bit more "cheating" for this week of pictures. I prefer to call it "borrowing" from other days. ;)  11. create my sister is really great at creating teachable experiences that are woven into every day moments. 12. night life technically, this was sunrise. but in my mind, same same. 13. musical the baby cousins. also, my focusing skills are lacking. 14. happy day Uncle Jon is the best. 15. cuddle 16. discover 17. the boss good thing he's cute. 18. oops don't worry, I helped her up. 19. special all of my plant babies come from special people in my life and from special times in my life.  20. silliness singing songs during missionary conference brings out the silliness in the adults, as these kids soon discovered. 21. favorite photo this is not a picture of my favorite photo (how would I ever choose?), but it is my favorite photo that I took that day.

October photo challenge: days 1-10ish

Taking pictures every day helps me learn and grow. So, I took these prompts  for the month of October. Sometimes I missed a day. Some days I took pictures for more than one category. It all evens out eventually. I think.  1. weekend fall weekends are for fires and tending to the plant babies. 2. chilly love the fall chill that comes along with the changing leaves 3. symmetrical I tried. 4. around not sure what this has to do with "around", but it's open to interpretation. 5. prepare there's only 3 of us, and we already pack way too much.  6. travel road construction and rain. the worst. 7. friends my family has a problem with talking while getting their picture taken. 8. educate not sure what is happening in the flower girl squad, but it is bound to be good times. 9. farewell one last night of adventures in KC. 10. exploring coffee shops. always coffee shops. Save Save