
Showing posts from September, 2017

The "M" Word

I don't want to say it, because I hard eye roll at the overabundance of blame-shifting and down-playing of the Millennial Generation. Every generation has its faults. Every generation is, to some extent, a bi-product of the former generation (y'all, everyone is responsible for their own decisions. Just know I believe that with my whole heart, so calm down). Every generation is impacting the next generation way more than they probably realize.  However, I am going to just put a little rant out there about my generation. More specifically, I am speaking to people in Christian circles. I don't know about you, but I have seen a fair share of articles posted out there along the lines of "Dear Church, this is how you have failed me". Maybe it's coming from the perspective of a "forgotten" single. Maybe it's coming from the perspective of a jaded, ultra-conservatively raised kid.  A lot of these articles that I have read have valid points. Some orga...

Travel Log: Arizona FTW (pt 2)

The most torturous drive-by tour we have endured yet! We were left gasping over all the rock formations around every corner. Since we were on a time crunch to get back to the midwest, we made the most of it and pulled over like crazy tourists every chance we got. We'll come baaaaackk, AZ. (But first, coffee. duh.)